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LIONS GIFT OF SIGHT HOSPITAL, PANADURA. ( Registration No. PHSRC/PH/151) 13.12.2005 - 13.12.2022

Dear Friend,

It is with immense happiness and pleasure, we pen this little note on the occasion of the completion of Seventeen Years of Vision Service to the poor and needy people of our community.

Our Hospital was ceremonially declared open on 13th December 2005 and from this day onwards we have come a long way in developing our Hospital into a COMPREHENSIVE EYE CARE UNIT and extending our FREE TO PATIENTS cataract surgeries to the poor and the needy people through our Outreach Eye Mobile Camps in distant villages

Our Hospital is fully equipped: having the required qualified medical personnel, and the infrastructure needed for an eye institution and most importantly a family of humble and courteous staff.

As we celebrate our 17th year of service, we thank the Chairman and Trustees, the visiting surgeons, medical officers, para medical technicians and our valuable asset-our staff.

A special thank you to the Lions Clubs for their cooperation and support, our valued Donors, and all those nice people who helped us in numerous ways and continue to help us for another year of service.

With sincere season's greetings and best wishes

We remain,
The Management Team
Lion Lakshman De Silva, (General Manager), Monty Sally (Operations Manager) & Mrs. Dilinika Weerasinghe (Accountant)

Mahendra Amarasuriya Ward was declared open

Mahendra Amarasuriya Ward was declared open by International president (2007-2008) Lion Mahendra Amarasuriya PMJF and District governor (2021 - 2022) Lion Ummashankar Bagirathan MJF on thursday, 09th june 2022 at 7 p.m. at the invitation of the board of trustees.


Our new paying ward Mahendra Amarasuriya Ward is now ready and will be open shortly.

Please contact our reception desk by
Telephone : 038 - 301 1060 / 038 - 224 5880 for reservations.

KARUNA TRUST sponsored FREE TO PATIENTS cataract surgeries.

In July, KARUNA TRUST sponsored thirty FREE TO PATIENTS cataract surgeries. The patients were all selected from the Hambantota district. The patients were all strictly under the Health Ministry authorities' guidance and supervision of the medical officers and medical staff. Mr. Mahinda Karunaratne - Founder and Chairman of KARUNA TRUST was personally present on the day of the surgery at the Hospital.

VISHWAPARAMI Foundation Sponsored Free To Patients Cataract Surgeries.

The ViswaParami Foundation sponsored 31 Cataract Surgeries Free to Patients on 31st January 2021. These patients were from Ithapana, Mathugama.

2021 New Year Religious Observance.

The Management, Doctors, and staff of the Hospital observed Pirith on the dawn of the First of January to welcome the NEW YEAR 2021. Pirith was chanted by the Chief Priest of Galgoda Mahaviharaya Rev. R. Pothupitiya Pannaserkera Thero.

John Keells Foundation Sponsored Free to Patients Cataract Surgeries.

John Keells Foundation sponsored 15 cataract surgeries on 23rd July 2020. These patients were examined and detected having cataract from the Outreach Eye Camp held at the New Panawenna Tea Factory, Ratnapura organized by the Factory Management and Staff. Our mobile team was in attendance

Visit of our District Governor. Lion Dr. Amitha Jayawardena – 01st July 2020 and 25 Cataract Surgeries Sponsored by The District 306- A1

District Governor Lion Dr. Amitha Jayawardena visited our hospital on 01st July 2020 as her First District Project. The meeting was organized by the Lions Club of Panadura Central and the cataract surgeries were handled by the Lions Club of Bentota Mid-Town. International President 2007/2008 Lion Mahendra Amarasuriya was present.

Lions Gift of Sight Hospital, Panadura is fully operative from Tuesday 26th May 2020.

The Management are pleased to announce that the Lions Gift of Sight Hospital, Panadura is fully operative from Tuesday 26th May 2020 :

Outdoor Patients Department (OPD) : Mondays to Saturdays - 9am to 6pm - ( prior appointment )
  Sundays - 8.30am to 1.30pm ( prior appointment )
Cataract Surgery : Tuesdays to Saturdays ( on prior appointment )

Please contact our General Manager Lion Lakshman De Silva on 038 3 011061 / 071 494 9229 Reception : 038 3 011060

John Keells Foundation Sponsored - Free To Patients Cataract Surgeries.

John Keells Foundation sponsored 88 Cataract Surgeries in August & September together with Hikka Tranz Hotal, Hikkaduwa. These patients were examined and detected having cataract from the outreach eye camp held on 8th July 2019 at Kumara Viharaya, Hikkaduwa, organized by the Hikka Tranz Hotel. Our Mobile Team was in attendance.

In House Students Eye Screening Camp – By Staff Of LGOSH.

An In-House student’s eye screening camp was organized by the staff of the Hospital in September for the benefit of students in Panadura schools. The students were screened and examined by the eye medical officer for low vision and other eye aliments. Refraction and free medicines were given to required students. Poor students were given free spectacles on request.

Eye Screening Camp - Hikkaduwa

John Keells Foundation sponsored an eye screening and detection of Cataract Camp organised by Hikka Tranz Hotel on 19.07.2019 at the Kumara Maha Viharay, Kumarakanda. Hikkaduwa. We detected 120 patients with Cataract to undergo surgeries. JFK together with Hikka Tranz will make arrangements to sponsor these surgeries.

Donation of Reception Desk

A Reception Desk was donated by The Lions Club of Moratuwa-Moratumulla as one of their project for the year 2018/2019. Project Chairman Lion. Malaka Rupasinghe handing over on 19th June in the presence of Chairman and Secretary of Board of Trustees, Hospital staff & Lions.

Poson Full Moon Poya

Poson Kadala Dansala held on 16th June 2019 at our hospital premises. The staff served Kadala to the devotees and public who attended religious rites at the Galgoda Sri Maha Viharaya, Panadura.

Any Inquiry? Call Us : 038 301 1060
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