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Corporate social responsibility

On request, our Eye Mobile unit Team conduct Lions Outreach Eye Camps organized by Lions Clubs and outreach eye camps requested by NGOs and other institutions to identify Cataract patients in the remote villages where the poorest of the poor villagers are examined by our eye medical officers and assisted by our team of medical personnel. Whose cataract patients identified are sponsored for surgeries carried out at our hospital absolutely Free of Charge to Patients.

The hospital also sponsor Free to Patients Cataract surgeries to those deserving and needy patients identified by the Hospital under our CSR program.

The Hospital conducts students Eye Camps at Schools. Our mobile team conducts at least two camps per month for vision testing, low vision students, and squint treatment. The low income group students whose parents cannot afford spectacles, the hospital supply them free of charge.

Under Our CSR program, we have done 957free cataract surgeries for 2016/2017 and in 2017/2018 1,065 Free cataract surgeries. Presently we target 1400 Free cataract surgeries and Treated 2800 patients free of Charge in the OPD. ( Free Medicines to patients )

Any Inquiry? Call Us : 038 301 1060
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